Web page
wynagrodzenia.pl belongs to Sedlak
& Sedlak, the oldest HR consulting company in Poland. The page is dedicated to HR specialist in Poland and is available only in Polish.
However, if you are interested in
salary reports or
compensation consulting we will be happy to help you.
Please look at
Sedlak & Sedlak web page.
Few words about wynagrodzenia.pl
We are the biggest Polish internet portal dedicated entirely to compensation issues. Wynagrodzenia.pl have been in business since 2002. We publish more than 150 articles and about 20 salary reports each year. We support compensation and HR specialists by delivering knowledge concerning:
the design and modification of compensation systems to reflect current trends – especially with respect to the following:
- creation of compensation and benefit plans for various professions
- compensation strategies
- application of motivation theories
- salary negotiation techniques
- job evaluation methods
- compensation methods for different levels of management
current compensation levels:
- in particular jobs, industries, and regions
- at different management levels
- in different countries
More about our services
Except gathering data directly from companies, since 2003, we have been conducting our Internet Salary Survey (Polish acronym: OBW) which is the largest non-governmental salary survey in Poland. Thanks to the OBW, we possess up-to-date information concerning compensation levels in Poland. Our first analyses are published in January. This makes us the only organization able to analyze and deliver accurate compensation data in such a short period of time.
If you want to learn more, please
contact us
Compensation Consulting
Salary Reports